Focus Games supports AquAid

Developing The Hydration Game helped us to realise how important it is that we stay hydrated at work in the Focus Games office. Studies have shown that being well hydrated means we’re likely to make fewer mistakes, be less irritable and generally more efficient. For these reasons, we decided to invest in a water cooler from AquAid to keep us healthy and hydrated at work.

This means we’re also helping to support AquAid’s efforts to bring fresh, safe drinking water to communities across the developing world. Every time we purchase water from AquAid, a donation is made to the Africa Trust. These donations are used to build Elephant Pumps, a type of rope pulley system which provides a source of clean drinking water.

Our donations have now built a pump with the Focus Games name on it, and we are delighted to share this with you. The pump is located in Manicaland, Zimbabwe– a province in the north eastern highlands. To date, AquAid has built over 5,000 Elephant Pumps across Africa, and we’re proud to support their efforts to bring safe, clean water to those who need it.

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